Di Venanzio: University in the historic center but aiming at the need of the territory

Apr 23, 2019

A University located in the historic center must be supported, but education and training must aim at the needs of the territory. A path that shows discontinuity with the recent past, but at the same time enhances the human resources of the territory, is the road that the president of Unindustria Rieti, Alessandro Di Venanzio, indicates for an effective relaunch of the Reati area. The problems to be solved have been dramatically the same for years. “Unfortunately we’re always facing the same issues – Di Venanzio said – and especially the Salaria Road: projects, slides, promises, but so far no intervention for a road that has become increasingly dangerous “. The other central theme for the development of the territory regards education and training, two elements related to university, but not only. “A university creates an income in different sectors – Di Venanzio said – and, if located in the historic center, it would ensure that vitality that is missing today. We won’t deny our support but will encourage targeted faculties, defined on the basis of the needs of the territory. We mus refer to the “Merloni model” according to which, since the first year of the secondary school, the training of students starts following the characteristics of the area in which they live. We also want to invest in an ITS (specialized technical institute), which can train young people in what is really useful for the area: Unindustria has already launched this model in Frosinone and many companies from Latina have also participated. The ITS represents the high road to bring together labour demand and supply and make a territory attractive: if the territory grows, businesses flourish accordingly “. Post-earthquake reconstruction is going slowly. “Very often it is not possible to spend the allocated money – the president of Unindustria Rieti said – but, in addition to the funds, we need a single direction cabinet and more autonomy for the local authorities who have a better knowledge of their territory. We are creating an ATI (temporary association of companies), to directly interface with the Government and access calls for
bids, otherwise reserved to large groups “. Another important issue is represented by the new, unitary structure of the industrial Consortium. “This is an acceptable solution, but the choice of an extraterritorial commissioner is quite questionable – Di Venanzio specified. – Many projects submitted by local companies were not approved and this pushed some businesses to move away, while others were obliged to release capital to guarantee the employment level. Next week, Phoenix will partially expand its spaces, but this operation has brought about huge sacrifices”.
Training and territory
A direction cabinet, external to politics, is considered necessary for the enhancement of the St. Francis Way. “The model – Di Venanzio recalled – is Umbria, which offers a well-developed accommodation and infrastructure network”. Today, at the Town Hall, the main theme is represented by the disputes against the Mise. “The unions do their job and I respect them – he concluded – but besides the European and global slowdown we have to face the Italian structural problems: the condition of our infrastructure, the high energy cost (+30%), an unsustainable fiscal pressure: despite these handicaps, the Italian manufacture still keeps the second place in Europe. False investments are just illusions and this is wrong, but it is necessary to focus on territory-related training, both as ITS or as Universities. It is important to have confidence in those companies that decide to remain, sustain employment and invest. Choices and funds must not safeguard political interests, but represent a key-point for the development of the territory and the outstanding companies that, in the Rieti area, obtain excellent results “.

Luca Brugnara
Source: Il Messaggero (Friday, 15 February 2019)

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